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The Latest Instagram Updates Arts Organizations Need to Know

Updated: Aug 15, 2023

For many arts and culture organizations, a presence on an image-sharing platform is a must. After all, you have so many captivating images and videos to share. The main benefit for nonprofit art organizations on Instagram beyond sharing their mission on a global and local level is creating a visual experience. CNBC reported that Instagram recently reached 2B monthly active users, making it one of the leading platforms for nonprofit art organizations. And without a doubt, making it the perfect social media site for art organizations to share the experience people can have when they attend an event.

A finger clicking the Instagram app on there phone.

That said, it is essential to keep up with some of the newer updates and functions that convert followers into ticket buyers and donors.

New Partnership Inbox

A new folder within Instagram DMs exclusively for “partnership messages,” where brands and creators can easily find and manage their branded content partnerships. You can discuss the project timeline and the type of content needed for the partnership. This is great if you're partnering with influencers or other artists who will promote your next event. Instagram will also have a process for payments per project, meaning that creators will be able to receive their payments within the Instagram app.

Content accessibility features on Instagram

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 2.2 billion people live with vision impairments, and over 430 million live with hearing loss. Discussions about accessibility have long been in motion, and Instagram has steadily improved its accessibility features.

  • Auto-generated Captions on Instagram Video - When uploading a video, captions will be created automatically and remain on unless you manually turn them off.

  • Caption Stickers on Stories & Reels - Allowing users to watch without having the sound on.

Currently, ⅓ of video plays on Instagram are with the sound off, so closed captioning is one way to improve both the experience and engagement-retention for all users, regardless of whether they have a disability or not.

Product Tagging

If you sell branded merchandise through a gift shop, consider making it available on social media. This feature allows users to tag a brand and specify a product on their feed posts. When someone taps on your product tag on your Feed post, they’ll get detailed information about your merchandise through a product detail page and can purchase it directly in-app or through your product detail page.

Scheduling Live on Instagram profile

Instagram Live is an incredible channel for increasing new followers, engagement, and building excitement leading up to your next performance or event. You can now schedule a live broadcast anywhere from 1 hour-90 days in advance of your event to connect with your followers. Your scheduled live broadcast will appear on your profile below your profile picture.

Reel Updates

Updates for Instagram Reel videos include a new 90-second maximum length, the ability to import your own audio, and access Stories Stickers. Story stickers add an interactive element to your Reels, which can significantly boost engagement and open new storytelling opportunities.

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